Lancer Link

To search and register official Longwood Student Organizations please go to Lancer Link.

Every Registered Student Organization must register all active members on Lancer Link in both the Fall and Spring. All community service should be documented on Lancer Link.


Club and organization funding

Clubs and organizations may request funds through the Student Finance Committee. Clubs may also request budgets for the next fiscal year during the spring semester.

starting a new club or organization

Starting a new club at Longwood University is easy! Only 8 students and a faculty advisor are needed. Students interested in starting a new club should follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the "New Organization Interest Form" on Lancer Link.

  2. While waiting for your interest form to be processed, prepare a constitution for your organization.

  3. The Director of Club and Organization Relations (DCOR) will review the constitution and come back to the organization with any suggested changes, questions, or additions. The DCOR and the organization will work together to make the edits and the organization's leadership will meet with the DCOR and the Director of the University Center and Student Activities.

  4. After the organization and DCOR have made changes to the draft, the DCOR will bring it to the Director of the University Center and Student Activities and 2 members of the DCOR Committee for review.  Following this and after all revisions have been made, the constitution and group will be presented to the Senate for recognition.

  5. Once a final copy is prepared, the DCOR will bring it to an SGA Senate Meeting (Every other Tuesday at 3:45 in the Wilson Chambers of Upchurch). The DCOR will let the organization know when their constitution is being presented for approval so that they can be present to answer any questions. Senate will then vote to approve the new organization and after a two-thirds vote in favor of the organization occurs, the organization will become a Recognized Student Organization and will meet with university officials for final processing.


Please direct all questions regarding Clubs and Organizations to our Director of Club and Organization Relations, Dylan Roosa.